Can Amethyst Go in Water? (The Quick Guide)

By Mary Ancillette |

Some crystals are unsafe for water cleansing, as they may dissolve or crack. Is it safe for amethyst to get wet? Keep reading to find out.

Can amethyst go in water?

Not all crystals can be cleansed in water. Some are porous, which allows water to cause cracks or even dissolve the crystal. Others contain toxic elements which may leak into the water.

Amethyst is one of the most popular healing crystals, so many people wonder whether it’s safe to get wet.

This semiprecious gemstone can be found in rock around the world, including Brazil, Uruguay, Africa, Europe, Mexico, Asia, Australia, the United States, and Canada. It’s also associated with many metaphysical properties, such as protection, wealth, manifestation, and success, making it a versatile stone.

In this article, I’ll take a closer look at amethyst to show you whether it’s safe to get wet. I’ll also teach you how to safely cleanse an amethyst crystal.

Can Amethyst Go in Water?

Amethyst isn’t damaged by getting wet and can be cleansed in water. It rates as a seven on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which means it’s a relatively hard mineral that can withstand water.

Is Amethyst Water Safe?

Amethyst is safe in water. Getting your amethyst crystal wet won’t cause it to dissolve, rust, or crack, so it’s suitable for water cleansing.

This is because amethyst is as a seven on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. The Mohs scale rates a crystal’s hardness out of ten, with one being the lowest. As a general rule, any crystal that rates as six or above on this scale is water safe.

There are exceptions though:

  • Some crystals, such as magnetite and hematite, contain iron ores. Crystals containing iron will rust if left in water, even if they are hard minerals.
  • Some gemstones contain toxic substances that leak when left in water. One example is malachite.

The good news is that amethyst doesn’t contain any extra minerals that make it unsafe for water. It’s safe to cleanse your amethyst in running water or clean it using soapy water.

Which Other Crystals Are Safe to Get Wet?

Along with amethyst, there are many other crystals that are safe to get wet. These include:

  • Most types of quartz, such as smokey quartz and clear quartz
  • Citrine
  • Jasper
  • Aventurine
  • Moonstone

What About Salt Water?

Amethyst probably won’t be damaged by a quick cleanse in salt water, but you shouldn’t leave your crystal in salt water for long periods. If you do use salt water, make sure you rinse the stone thoroughly afterwards.

Salt water has corrosive properties. When in a salt water bath, salt works its way into microscopic cracks in the crystal. Over time, this can cause damage to an amethyst crystal’s appearance.

It’s also worth noting that some water-safe crystals should never be placed in salt water – even for short periods. Carnelian is a good example.

How to Cleanse Amethyst With Water

Amethyst doesn’t have a problem with getting wet, so you can use running water to cleanse your gemstone and restore its healing properties.

While there are many ways to cleanse a crystal, I love using water whenever possible. Water is wonderful for cleansing your stone of negativity, as it grounds undesirable energy back to earth. It also gives your crystal a gentle clean.

Cleansing crystals with running water is a simple process. Start by finding a suitable location. I enjoy using rivers or other natural sources, but a cold tap can also be effective.

Next, focus your mind on the intention of cleansing your stone, and keep this intention throughout the cleansing. When you’re ready, hold the amethyst in the running water for at least two minutes.

Once cleansed, dry the crystal with a soft cloth made from natural materials.

Other Ways to Cleanse Your Amethyst

Water cleansing isn’t the only option for removing negativity from your amethyst gemstone. Other methods include:

  • You can use larger crystals to cleanse smaller amethyst stones or jewelry. Just place the stone inside a geode, making sure to wrap the crystal in a cloth to protect it.
  • Moonlight is one of the gentlest ways to cleanse a crystal. Leave your amethyst crystal on a natural surface (or on a moonlit windowsill) before going to bed.
  • Smudging is a popular method for cleansing a crystal. This method uses the smoke of sage bundles to clear away negative energies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Amethyst Go in Warm Water?

Amethyst can go in warm water, which is useful for cleaning. Just make sure the crystal isn’t too cold before you place it in the water, and that the water isn’t too hot, as it’s important to avoid sudden temperature changes.

As amethyst is sensitive to hot temperatures, I don’t recommend using it in bath water (unless you wait until the water is warm rather than hot.)

Sudden Temperature Changes May Damage Your Crystal

While amethyst is a tough crystal, it may crack when exposed to sudden changes in temperature. Avoid putting it in hot water to minimise this risk.

Can Amethyst Go in Moon Water?

Yes, amethyst is safe to put in moon water. This is a great way to charge your crystal with the moon’s powerful energies.

Moon water is regular water that’s been infused with the full moon’s light. While this process energetically charges the water, it doesn’t change its chemical properties, so it’s still safe for waterproof crystals.

How Should You Clean Amethyst?

Amethyst is a durable gemstone, but you should still take care when cleaning it. You don’t want to dull the surface or cause scratches.

Warm, soapy water is fine for cleaning amethyst, but avoid using coarse cleaning cloths to prevent scratching. A soft-bristled toothbrush can be useful for cleaning amethyst.

Note: Never use a steam cleaner on amethyst gemstones, as the heat generated can damage the crystal.

Can Amethyst Go in the Sun?

Amethyst shouldn’t be left in direct sunlight, as it may start to lose its deep purple colours. The heat from sunlight can also cause the crystal to crack.


Amethyst is a water safe crystal that’s suitable for water cleansing. It can also be cleaned in warm, soapy water without damage.

While amethyst is a hard crystal, keep in mind that it’s sensitive to heat and sudden changes in temperature. You don’t want to crack your crystal by using hot water!

Do you have any questions about cleansing amethyst in water? Please use the comments form below.

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.