Do you want to enhance your Gemini qualities? Or are negative traits, such as a lack of direction or inconsistency, interfering with your life? These nine crystals for Gemini may help
If you were born between May 21st and June 20th, you fall into the zodiac sign of Gemini, the 3rd sign of the zodiac.
People born under this air sign are adaptable, curious and quick thinking. They tend to be outgoing and love being surrounded by interesting people, making them wonderful friends and partners. Geminis are also intelligent and, with Mercury as a Ruling Planet, are great communicators.
As with all astrology star signs, however, Geminis can have less desirable traits. In particular, they are sometimes prone to gossip, stretch the truth, or even lie.
For this reason, you may benefit from using Zodiac crystals to enhance positive Gemini aspects and dampen the negative ones. Here are nine of my favourite crystals for Gemini.
Which are the Best Gemini Stones and Crystals?
1. Agate
Colour: Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, White, Red, Grey, Purple, Pink, Black
Chakra: Heart, Base and Other Chakras Depending on Colour
Origin: Worldwide
Agate is a birthstone for May and June, as well as the Zodiac sign of Gemini. It’s also associated with Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet. This combination makes agate a potent crystal for Geminis.
People born under this zodiac sign love learning and intelligent conversation. You’re quick to learn and curious. But on the flip side, Geminis can be a little nosy or get bored easily.
Agate’s crystal energy and magnetism draw you back down to earth, so you can stay focused. It’ll encourage honest communication and, as it has a slower frequency than other crystals, will help to calm your active mind.
2. Apophyllite (Stone of Truth)
Colour: Clear, Yellow, White, Peach, Green
Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
Origin: India, UK, Australia, Czech Republic, Brazil, Italy
Apophyllite is one of my favourite stones for the Gemini Zodiac sign, but it’s a crystal that’s often overlooked.
Geminis excel at understanding there are always two sides to an argument. Apophyllite strengthens this ability and improves communication skills. Over time, this will help you to develop lasting relationships.
As a moonstone for Gemini, apophyllite also develops intuition and encourages self-introspection. By being honest about the past and your mistakes, you’re less likely to repeat them.
Tip for Using Apophyllite: Apophyllite is a high-vibrational crystal that’s wonderful to meditate with. It’ll help you to let go of the past so you can move forward.
3. Celestite
Colour: Blue
Chakra: Crown, Throat
Origin: UK, Mexico, Peru, Egypt, Madagascar, Poland, USA
Celestite is a beautiful Gemini gemstone. It gets its name from the Latin for heavenly, caelestic, and connects you with the angelic realms.
Communication is one of Gemini’s strengths, but people of this star sign can still struggle with indecision, nervousness and a loss for words. The soothing energy of celestite eases worries and promotes mental clarity.
This will give you a deep sense of peace, harmony, and trust in yourself. It’ll encourage honest communication at times of stress and support you in making the right choices.
While celestite is one of my favourite crystals for communication, there are many other options for a Gemini. These stones are typically blue, as this is the color of the Throat Chakra.
For example, turquoise is known as the stone of communication, and can help you to speak confidently and truthfully. Aquamarine, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, and many other stones with a blue color can help with communication.
Note: Celestite will fade in direct sunlight, so keep it away from windows.
4. Howlite
Colour: Green, White
Chakra: Heart, Crown
Origin: USA
Geminis have an energetic, sociable and fun-loving nature – at least when their spiritual centres are balanced.
But when a Gemini’s Chakras are out of balance, this spontaneity can turn into restlessness or impulsive behaviours. If you find it hard to relax and often experience anger or anxiety, an imbalance could be the root cause.
By cleansing the aura and re-aligning the Chakras, howlite provides emotional support and calms your mind. This provides a renewed sense of purpose and patience that will help you to achieve your goals.
For an alternative stone for anger, you might want to consider peridot – especially if jealousy is the root cause of your negative emotions. Peridot teaches you to feel truly grateful for your life and to let go of jealous feelings.
Tip for Using Howlite: Due to Gemini’s energetic nature, you may find it hard to relax at night. Place a piece of howlite under your pillow to help you sleep.
5. Green Zoisite (Stone of Happiness)
Colour: Green
Chakra: Heart Chakra
Origin: Tanzania, Scotland, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Kenya, USA, Norway, India
Green zoisite is a slow-acting crystal that helps Geminis to release fears and self-criticism. This will encourage you to move forward without feeling weighed down by people’s comments or what society expects.
Also, by embracing your own uniqueness, you’ll energise your creative talents. This boost in creativity makes it easier to come up with new ideas that could help you achieve success in your life goals.
As a Heart Centred crystal, zoisite will strengthen love, growth and fertility. This makes it easier to connect with inner happiness and self-worth. Its healing energy promotes action, and compliments the Gemini’s need for excitement.
Tip for Using Green Zoisite: As green zoisite is a slow acting crystal, wear it against the skin for long periods.
6. Serpentine
Colour: Green, Red, brown-Red, Brown-Yellow, Black, White
Chakra: Crown
Origin: Russia, Norway, UK, USA, Italy, Zimbabwe, Australia, South Africa, Brazil
Serpentine is a wonderful birthstone for Gemini. It stimulates the Crown Chakra where intuition, mental and nervous calm originate. Activating this Chakra gives you the confidence to stand up for yourself rather than conform to outside pressures.
Its name comes from the Latin, Serpentinus, meaning serpent. So, as well as energising the Crown Chakra, it stimulates your Kundalini energy, which rests like a coiled snake at the base of the spine. This potent force balances the Chakras and clears stagnant energy as it rises upwards towards the Crown.
The result is a healthy flow of positive energy throughout your mental, emotional and physical body.
Tip for Using Serpentine: Use serpentine when undergoing spiritual exploration, such as past life memory recall. Place the crystal on your Base Chakra or in a crystal grid to open your psychic ability.
7. Blue Kyanite (Earth Stone)
Colour: Blue/White
Chakra: All, but especially Throat, Third Eye and Crown
Origin: Brazil, USA
Blue kyanite is an ascendant crystal for Gemini. As a stone for the Throat Chakra and Third Eye, it encourages truthful communication (click here to learn more about communication crystals.) It’ll also provide clarity when in an argument.
Due to a Gemini’s changeable nature, they can bend the truth or even gossip when it suits them.
By meditating with this high vibrational crystal, you’ll gain the confidence to speak the truth. This cuts through any superficiality, so you can express your feelings or thoughts honestly.
Note: This blue stone only emits energy, so it doesn’t need cleansing.
Tip for Using Blue Kyanite: Blue kyanite is a stone for new beginnings, as it provides a clean break from beliefs that might be holding you back. Other stones that can have a similar effect for this star sign include moonstone, chrysoprase, labradorite, and citrine.
8. Phenacite (Phenakite)
Colour: Colourless
Chakra: Crown, Third Eye
Origin: Russia, USA, Madagascar, Brazil, Zimbabwe
Phenacite is one of the highest vibrational crystals and is great for the Gemini mind. It facilitates intuition and meditation, making it one of the best Gemini stones for spiritual learning.
Phenacite is a powerful stimulator of the Crown and Higher Crown Chakras. These properties allow the crystal to connect and download information from the Akashic records. This is a ‘spiritual library’ where everything we think or do is recorded.
Geminis have a high intellect that resonates with this energy. Phenacite will encourage you to focus on what is important in your life, and speed up your spiritual learning.
Tip for Using Phenacite: Phenacite has a high vibration. So, you may wish to keep yourself grounded by having black tourmaline or hematite near you when you use it. While it can be found around the world, use stones that come from Zimbabwe or Brazil to achieve higher awareness.
9. Dalmatian Stone
Colour: Pale Grey, Cream with Black Spots
Chakra: Root, Sacral
Origin: Mexico
The colours of dalmatian stone mirror the duality of light and dark that a Gemini often experiences.
Getting its name from the dog breed, Dalmatian, it has a playful, loving energy that resonates with a Gemini’s personality.
If you’re down on your luck or feeling despondent, this crystal’s energy will boost your positivity and inspire motivation to move forward.
As Geminis have a tendency to overcomplicate or get bored easily, dalmatian stone will also balance your yin/yang energy. This will help you to achieve your goals and reignite your energy levels.
Note: This stone is sometimes referred to as dalmatian jasper or dalmatine.
Tip for Using Dalmatian Stone: To remain close to the playful energy of this crystal, wear it in jewellery or carry it in your pocket throughout the day. If you need an extra boost in motivation, try using amethyst, blue apatite, ruby, or carnelian.
How to Use Healing Crystals for Gemini
Crystal healing can enhance positive Gemini qualities and reduce undesirable traits. Here are a few techniques you can use to benefit from a crystal’s healing properties:
- Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, and this zodiac sign is associated with the Throat Chakra. Wear crystals in necklaces and earrings to keep their energetic vibration close to this energy centre.
- Crystal singing bowls help to energise the aura and balance the Chakras. The crystal singing bowl for the Gemini sun sign resonates with the frequency of D (Sacral Chakra.)
- Meditation is a wonderful way to quieten a Gemini’s active mind and improve your focus and concentration. Use Gemini crystals to deepen your practice. Simply holding the crystal is fine, but you can also place a crystal grid around you before starting.
- Elixirs are a lovely way to stay hydrated while absorbing the energetic resonance and healing power of a Gemini crystal. Please note that some crystals are not suitable for elixirs, so make sure you check before making one.
- Place crystals aligned to the Gemini sun sign under your bed or pillow to calm your mind and benefit from their positive vibes. If you suffer from nightmares when sleeping, then moonstone, dalmatian stone, and green jade may help.
- Make sure you cleanse your Gemini crystals to remove negative energy. Too much negative energy can affect a crystal’s healing properties, so I recommend cleansing frequently. It’s also important to cleanse a new crystal to remove negative energy that might have been absorbed during its journey to you.
Note: I’ve also written a number of other crystals for astrological signs, including crystals for Taurus, crystals for Capricorn, crystals for Aries, and crystals for Scorpio. You can also view my full list of crystal healing guides.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Is The Most Effective Gemini Gemstone?
The most effective crystal for the Gemini energy depends on your intention, as each stone has a different set of healing properties. You should also listen to your intuition, as it’ll draw you towards the right stone for your needs. However, if I had to recommend a single crystal to a Gemini, it would be agate.
How Can a Gemini Benefit From Healing Crystals?
Every Zodiac sign has strengths and weaknesses. For example, Geminis are often excellent communicators and intelligent, but they also have traits that can hold them back. Gemini gemstones balance the Chakras to help you manage or reduce less-desirable characteristics, while enhancing your positive traits. They can also protect against negative energy, attract prosperity, and help you to achieve emotional balance.
How Can a Gemini Get Started With Crystals?
If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend either a touchstone or a small tumble stone. These are inexpensive and can be carried with you throughout the day. Touchstones are also a convenient choice for meditating, as you can hold the stone in the palm of your hand.
Which Angels are Associated With Gemini?
The Angels I like to invoke when using crystals for Gemini are:
- Archangel Michael – Archangel Michael is the ruler of Mercury, the ruling Planet of Gemini. His name means ‘Who is Like God’ and I use lapis lazuli, blue kyanite or sugilite when I invoke Him. Michael offers strength and protection while encouraging truthful communication.
- Angel Ambriel – Ambriel is the ruler of Gemini. I invoke Him when I need to solve a problem or improve communication skills. I use clear quartz, blue agate or sapphire when invoking this Angel.
- Archangel Ariel – As an Archangel of Air, Geminis element, I use pale pink crystals such as rose quartz when invoking Ariel. This Angel is also associated with nature. He is wonderful for clearing blockages that may be causing indecision or uncertainty.
As a Gemini, your character is influenced by the Sun, Moon, Ruling Planet and Ascendant. Each of these resonates with a particular crystal.
If you wish to enhance your sociable, quick thinking and curious nature, these nine crystals for Gemini will help. They aren’t the only Zodiac crystals for this sun sign, but they are my top picks.
My favourite crystal for Gemini is agate. It draws a Gemini back to Earth when their head is full of intellectual energies.