Do Crystals Need Direct Moonlight to Cleanse and Charge?

By Mary Ancillette |

Do crystals need to be in direct moonlight

Do crystals need direct moonlight to be cleansed or charged? And do you need to charge your crystal during a full moon? Keep reading to find out!

Do Crystals Need Direct Moonlight?

The quick answer is that crystals do not need direct moonlight or a clear night to be charged. You can place your crystal indoors on a windowsill, for example, and your crystal will still charge.

Why Crystals Don’t Need Direct Moonlight to Cleanse or Charge

Crystals don’t need to be in direct moonlight to cleanse or charge. The moon’s healing energy isn’t blocked by clouds, glass, and other physical materials, making it one of the best options for cleansing.

So, don’t worry if it’s a cloudy night, if it’s raining, or if you need to place a crystal indoors on a windowsill. Your stone will still be cleansed in the morning.

With that said, the moon’s energy is more effective when the crystal is placed in direct moonlight. Even if you can’t place your crystal outside, try to find a windowsill that will receive plenty of moonlight throughout the night.

Keeping Your Stone’s Safe in Moonlight

Moonlight won’t damage a crystal, but many stones can be harmed by rain or heavy dew.

Selenite, malachite, and calcite are all examples of crystals that aren’t water safe and shouldn’t be left outside overnight. To protect these stones, I like to charge softer crystals on a windowsill or outside in a sealed glass jar.

How to Cleanse Crystals of Negative Energy Using Moonlight

Crystals can hold negative energy, so we need to cleanse them to restore their natural vibration. This is particularly important after a healing session, when you first get a crystal, or when the stone has been handled by other people

There are many cleansing methods, but moonlight is one of the simplest for removing negative energy. Moonlight can also recharge your crystal to ensure it’s ready for healing.

Here’s how I like to perform this cleansing method:

  1. Place the crystal on a natural material to keep it grounded. You can also put the stone directly on the earth if it’s safe to charge it outdoors.
  2. If the stone isn’t water safe but you still want to charge it outdoors, then cover it with a glass bowl. Otherwise, put the crystal on a windowsill that will receive moonlight.
  3. Set your intention by asking the energy of the moon to cleanse and charge your crystal.
  4. Leave the crystal to cleanse and charge throughout the night.
  5. Collect the crystal before the sun’s light becomes too intense the next day. Express your gratitude for the moon’s healing powers.

Some people leave their crystals outdoors during the following day so they can charge in sunlight. While this can be effective, sunlight is damaging to some crystals, so be careful.

How Long Does Cleansing or Charging Using Moonlight Take?

The moon is a gentle and nurturing light source, which is why it can be used to charge any crystal without damaging it. But a drawback is that it’s a relatively slow charging method.

For this reason, I recommend leaving your stone in moonlight throughout an entire night when cleansing or charging.

This usually isn’t a problem, as you can charge the stone while your sleep!

Cleansing and charging are faster during the new or full moons, but I still leave my crystal to charge until the morning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Charge Crystals With Moonlight Through a Window?

You can charge crystals with moonlight through a window, as the moon’s healing energy will still reach the stone.

Make sure you place the crystal on a natural surface though. Wood or other natural materials help to keep the crystal grounded throughout the cleansing process.

Can You Charge or Cleanse a Crystal Without a Full Moon?

Yes, you can charge a crystal with moonlight at any point in the lunar cycle. You don’t need to wait for the new or full moon to benefit from its healing powers.

The three days over the full moon are the best for cleansing and charging though, so I like to cleanse my crystals during this time when possible.

Which Crystals Are Not Suitable for Moonlight?

All crystals are suitable for moonlight, which is why a moon bath is one of my favourite cleansing and charging methods.

The moon has a soft energy and gentle light, so it won’t cause a crystal to fade or crack. In contrast, the sun’s more intense rays cause many crystals to fade.

Be careful about the weather if you’re putting a crystal outside though. Many crystals are not safe to get wet, so you’ll need to provide protection if there’s a chance of rain.


The moon’s energy isn’t stopped by clouds or glass, so you don’t need to place a crystal in direct moonlight. It’s fine to put the stone under a glass bowl to protect it, or even inside on a windowsill that receives moonlight.

As the moon has a gentle energy, this method is also safer than using sunlight. Moonlight is a slower cleanser, however, so you should leave your crystal overnight.

Do you have any questions about whether crystals need direct moonlight? Please let me know in the comments section below.

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.

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