Where is orange calcite found around the world? And how is this beautiful crystal mined? Keep reading to find out.
Orange calcite is one of the most popular healing crystals. It’s a sunny stone that provides many healing benefits, including boosting creativity and helping with emotional healing.
Many people don’t realise how common calcite is around the world though. Let’s take a closer look at where orange calcite is located and its physical properties.
Where Does Orange Calcite Come From?
Calcite (and orange calcite by extension) is a very common crystal that’s found around the world. Significant deposits are located in South America, the United States, and Mexico, but calcite can be found in sedimentary rock on most continents.
Orange Calcite Locations and Mines
As calcite is such a common crystal, it’s found in many locations in almost every continent.
There are large calcite deposits in North America, for example, along with most of Europe. Some examples of significant deposits include:
- Europe – England (Smallcleugh Mine), Iceland, Germany, Romania
- Africa – Congo (Mashamba West Mine), Namibia
- Asia – Russia (Nikolaevskiy Mine), China (Shimen Mine), Pakistan
- North America – Canada (Nanisvik Mine), USA (many mines across the country), Mexico (San Vicente Mine)
- South America – Argentina (Farallon Blanco Mine)
- Oceania – Australia
An example of an orange calcite mine is the Ojuela mine in Mexico. At this mine, the veins of orange calcite can be up to a foot wide, so both drilling and blasting are required to extract it from the ground.
Once extracted, the orange calcite is briefly dipped in hydrochloric acid to create a smooth lustre with enhanced colour..
It’s not possible to tell where an orange calcite crystal came from just by looking at it. A reputable crystal dealer should be able to tell you which mine a calcite crystal came from before you buy it though.
Tip: If you’d like to learn more about crystal healing with this stone, I’ve written a full guide to orange calcite healing properties.
What Type of Rock Does Orange Calcite Form In?
Orange calcite, and all other colours of calcite, are a stable form of calcium carbonate.
Calcite is typically found in sedimentary rocks, although there are also deposits in igneous and metamorphic rocks. It’s particularly easy to find in limestone, which makes up around 10% of sedimentary rock around the world.
A lot of the world’s calcite deposits occur in veins. Some of these veins are entirely made of calcite, while others also contain a variety of other minerals.
Additionally, most stalactites and stalagmites are composed of calcite. They are formed when water containing calcium carbonate drips from ceilings.
Did You Know…
The largest calcite crystal was found in Iceland. It weighed around 250 tons and was over seven metres wide.
Calcite also has a range of industrial uses. These include in the paper and paint industries, agriculture, and construction.
Orange Calcite’s Physical Properties
Orange calcite is a relatively soft crystal, rating as three on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
This softness means it can be easily cut into various shapes for both ornaments and jewellery. These include spheres, points, and pyramids.
Orange calcite is stable in water and won’t dissolve when wet. I don’t recommend cleansing orange calcite in water, however, as the mineral’s softness means cracks could form over time. You should also avoid cleansing it in salt water, as this is much more abrasive.
Tip: As orange calcite is a soft crystal, it’s important to take care when storing it. Any crystal with a rating of more than 3 on the Mohs scale will scratch it, so avoid keeping it in a bag with other crystals.
When travelling, I recommend wrapping the crystal in a soft natural material, enclosing the wrapped stone in bubble wrap or a towel, then storing it in a hard container. Make sure you cleanse the stone when you reach your destination to remove any negative energy.
What Causes the Different Calcite Colours?
While orange calcite is a common colour, there are many others. These include white, red, blue, green, and yellow calcite crystals. Pure calcite is colourless, so the presence of a colour shows that the stone contains impurities.
Different impurities result in the range of calcite colours. Orange calcite contains hematite, which is an iron-oxide mineral that provides the orange hue.
In raw form, orange calcite has a slight lustre and a waxy appearance. It develops a sheen when polished.
As calcite comes in a range of colours and shapes, it’s often confused with other types of crystal. To learn more, read my guide to how to tell if an orange calcite crystal is real.
A Quick Overview of Orange Calcite’s Healing Properties
Orange calcite is a popular stone for crystal healers. It’s associated with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, and provides many healing properties. These include:
- Creativity. Orange calcite’s close link with the Sacral Chakra means that it can clear creative blockages and help you to find new ideas.
- Emotional Healing. Orange calcite has the ability to balance your emotions and help to heal previous emotional issues.
- Sexuality. This stone is one of the best for balancing sexual energies and boosting inner confidence.
Which Zodiac Signs Are Linked to Orange Calcite?
While everyone can benefit from orange calcite’s healing properties, it’s closely linked with several zodiac signs.
Orange calcite is a birthstone for Cancer, for example, and can support people of this sign to move towards their goals. It’s also an important crystal for Leo.
Orange calcite is a beautiful crystal that provides many healing properties. This stone is one of the best for boosting creativity, for example, due to its link with the Sacral Chakra. Orange calcite is also associated with sexuality and personal power.
As a form of calcite, orange calcite is a common stone that’s found around the world. Significant deposits are located in Mexico and the USA, but calcite is found almost everywhere in sedimentary rock.
Do you have any questions about where orange calcite is found? Please let me know in the comments section below.