Can Citrine Go In Water? (Read Before Cleaning)

By Mary Ancillette |

Does your citrine need to be cleansed? Find out whether it’s safe to use water for cleaning or cleansing your citrine stone.

Can citrine go in water?

Water cleansing is one of the most popular methods for cleansing healing crystals. It’s important to check if a crystal is safe to get wet, however, as softer crystals may crack or dissolve.

In this article, we’ll take a look at citrine and whether it’s safe in water. We’ll also discuss how to cleanse citrine and whether it can be used for making a crystal elixir. If you’d like to learn more about this crystal, read out guide to citrine healing properties.

Can Citrine Go In Water?

Pure citrine is a seven on the Mohs Hardness Scale and doesn’t contain inclusions that are damaged by water. This means you can safely use water to clean and cleanse this crystal. Citrine is also suitable for making crystal elixirs.

Is Citrine Water Safe?

The short answer is that yes, citrine is water safe. You can wash or water-cleanse citrine without damaging it.

It’s a hard crystal that doesn’t inclusions that are affected by fluid, so water won’t crack, rust, or dissolve it. Citrine is also non-reactive and stable in water.

I still don’t recommend leaving your citrine in water for an extended period of time though (particularly if you’re using salt water.)

Long water baths could affect the stone’s appearance. Many stones sold as citrine are also actually heat-treated amethyst, which may lose its shine if left in water.

Exceptions to the Rule

Pure citrine is part of the quartz family and is formed from a combination of silicon and oxygen. Both of these elements are safe in water.

All crystals may contain impurities, however, so there’s a chance your citrine crystal may contain inclusions that are unsafe in water. Always dry your crystal after cleansing to minimise the risk of damage.

Why is Citrine Safe to Get Wet?

There are two factors that affect whether a crystal is water safe: hardness and inclusions.

Citrine is hard enough to not be damaged by water. It also doesn’t contain elements or sensitivities that are unsuitable for getting wet

Let’s take a closer look at these factors and why they are important.

A Quick Lesson on the Mohs Hardness Scale

The Mohs Hardness Scale is a useful tool for any crystal healer. It rates the hardness of minerals on a scale of one to ten, with ten being the hardest. The harder a crystal is, the less likely it is to be water soluble.

Here are a few examples:

9Ruby, Sapphire
7Amethyst, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Aventurine
6Pyrite, Hematite
5Apatite, Rinkite, Lapis Lazuli
4Malachite, Azurite
3Calcite, Wulfenite, Lepidolite
2Amber, Gypsum
Please Note: Some crystals have small ranges in hardness depending on the composition, so this table is just a guideline.

As a general rule, crystals below six on the Mohs Hardness Scale are not safe to go in water.

Fortunately, citrine is rated seven on the Mohs Hardness scale. This makes it a safe crystal to cleanse and clean in water.

Note: While a small splash probably won’t damage softer crystals, leaving these crystals in water for long could cause damage. Instead, you should use other cleansing methods to remove negative energies, such as smudging or moonlight.

Other Factors That Can Affect Water Safety

Hard crystals won’t dissolve or crack in water, but that doesn’t mean they are always water-safe.

Some crystals contain additional minerals. These could rust or release toxic substances into the water, even if the base crystal is water-safe

Magnetite and hematite are good examples. These crystals are iron ores, so they will rust if left in water.

While citrine does contain trace amounts of iron, there is not enough to cause visible damage or discoloration when in water.

Note: Be extra careful about inclusions when using a crystal to make an elixir. Dangerous elements could leak into the water and make your elixir unsafe.

Which Other Crystals Are Water Safe?

Here are a few other examples of hard crystals that are safe to use in water:

  • Agate
  • Quartz (most quartz crystals are safe in water, including rose quartz and smoky quartz)
  • Jasper
  • Amethyst
  • Carnelian

How to Cleanse a Citrine Crystal

As citrine is water safe, you can use the running water method to cleanse it.

This is a popular method for clearing negativity, as the water grounds unwanted energy back into earth. As a bonus, cleansing with running water will refresh your stone’s appearance.

Here’s how to cleanse citrine using running water:

  1. Choose a location. Rivers and springs are often the best choice for cleansing. If you don’t have access to natural water sources, then a running tap can be just as effective.
  2. Set your intention. Set an intention to wash away negativity from the crystal before you start cleansing. Try to stay focused on this goal during the process.
  3. Hold the citrine crystal in the water flow for 2-5 minutes. The more often you cleanse a crystal, the less time you’ll need to hold it in water.
  4. Gently dry the citrine stone with a soft, natural cloth.

Cleansing Crystals Without Water

Putting citrine in water shouldn’t damage it, but there are plenty of other ways to cleanse crystals if you prefer to avoid getting your stone wet. These include:

  • Smudging. This involves lighting a bundle of dried sage (make sure to use a fire-proof container) and holding the gemstone in the smoke.
  • Moonlight. Moonlight is much gentler than sunlight, so it’s great for stones that might fade. Place your citrine on a natural surface or directly on the earth. You can also leave it on a windowsill that will receive direct moonlight. 
  • Sound. Sound vibrations remove negative energy in a stone’s molecular structure. You can use tuning forks, drums, crystal singing bowls, or any other form of sound energy for this. Just make sure you focus your intention on cleansing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Citrine Safe to Use in a Crystal Elixir?

Citrine’s bright nature is a great choice if you want an elixir to ward against negativity. It’s also often used as a crystal for luck and motivation.

Pure citrine is usually safe for charging water, as it doesn’t dissolve or contain dangerous minerals. 

As with all crystals, however, there’s a chance your citrine may contain an impurity. That’s why I recommend using the “indirect” method for making a crystal elixir, as this doesn’t expose the water to any additional elements.

  1. Cleanse the citrine crystal to remove any unwanted energies.
  2. Charge the crystal to restore its healing properties.
  3. Place the citrine crystal inside a sealed glass jar.
  4. Put the jar inside a larger bowl.
  5. Fill the larger bowl with water.
  6. Cover the bowl of water to keep the elixir clean, then leave it to infuse.
  7. Drink the crystal water elixir soon after, unless you are going to add a preservative to prevent bacteria.

You can also buy crystal elixir water bottles with a separate container for your crystals. These make the indirect method more convenient.

Can Citrine Go in Moon Water?

Moon water is just water that’s been charged in the light of a full moon. As citrine is water-safe, it’s suitable for going in moon water.

Can Citrine Go in Salt Water?

Salt water has corrosive properties, so it’s important to be careful before using it on your crystal.

While citrine crystals won’t dissolve in salt water, I don’t recommend using this method regularly or for long periods. The salt may cause the stone to lose its shine.

Can Citrine Go in Direct Sunlight?

You shouldn’t leave citrine in direct sunlight. Sunlight causes this type of quartz crystal to fade and lose its yellow hue.


Citrine, a member of the quartz family, is a hard crystal that’s rated a seven on the Mohs Hardness Scale. This means it can be cleansed in water without damage.

A citrine stone is also suitable for making a crystal elixir, although I recommend using the indirect method in case there are impurities.

Do you have any questions about cleansing citrine in water? Please let me know in the comments section below.

Mary Ancillette

About the Author: Mary Ancillette

Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and crystal healing expert from the UK. With over 15 years of crystal healing experience, she’s passionate about helping others improve their lives by harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality.

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